Interview Test Part IV

Day 4

It’s time to implement another statistical technique on the data. Please answer today’s question within the same R markdown from the first day. Commit after every progression in each question.

Q14. Using the data frame from question 11, consider only freshman exam scores and implement Two-Way ANOVA in which you would like to determine if the populations means of performance on the assessment (numeric_grade) are the same across major and exam number (Hint: turn the assignment_id variable into a factor by using the as.factor() function). Answer the following questions to be able to fully grasp the material.

a. Create the data frame that will allow you to answer the statistical question.

b. What is the explanatory variables and response variable?

c. Write the null and alternative hypotheses for both explanatory variables?

d. Summarize (Hint: find sample size, mean, standard deviation) and Visualize Data (Hint: box plot and make it look professional).

e. Perform and interpret the analysis.

Immanuel Williams PhD
Immanuel Williams PhD
Lecturer of Statistics

My passion is to help people learn…
