Steps to blogdown

A quick guide to blogdown

Important Terminology - what is:

  • hugo? - static site generator
  • blogdwn? - website platform (i.e., Wordpress)
  • Netlify? - web development platform
  • GitHub? - version control & Sharing
    • Commit - Snap shot
    • Push - Save snap shot onto GitHub
  • A YAML- Header of files

Before we begin, let’s get inspired:

Part 1: Create a new repository via GitHub

Step 1: Create a new Repository (Click the Green Button)

Name it ‘theNameOfYourWebsite’

✓ Keep the repository Public - who can see your repository

✓ Add a README file - a location to place what is the purpose of the repo and how to use code

✓ Add .gitignore - is a system used to not add certain files to the repo, there are different systems that exists [do not click gitignore this time]

✓ Choose a license - a license tells others what they can and can’t do with your source code, there are different types of licenses so that users can do specific things with the code based on the selected license

Step 2: Click Create Repository (Using R Studio Cloud)

When done, make sure HTTPS is selected, press the copy button, below is an example

Step 3: Go to R Studio Cloud

Step 4: Click on the New Project then within R Studio Cloud

Step 5: Click on New Project from Git Repository

Step 6: Paste where it says “URL for your Git Repository” Click OK

Part 2: Create website with {blogdown}

Step 1: install.packages(“blogdown”) # install the blogdown package

Step 2: install.packages(“rstudioapi”) # to be able to navigate files

Step 3: library(blogdown) # load blogdown

Step 4: new_site(theme = “wowchemy/starter-academic”) # create your website!

Part of the process: 1-2 pop screens will show up, just hit ‘Save’ hit no to preview website

Part 3: Changing Git Ignore File

Step 1: Open gitignore file Run the following code in the console: file.edit(“gitignore”)

Step 2: Paste specific commands in gitignore file

.Rproj .user .Rhistory .RData .Ruserdata .DS_Store

Step 3: Check Site

Run through blogdown::check_site() to determine what needs to be so that the site works properly

Two boxes come up click save twice

Step 4: Make more changes to gitignore file

Then add these to gitignore file

Thumbs.db /public/ /resources/ .hugo_build.lock

Step 5: Check Site

Run through blogdown::check_site() to determine what needs to be so that the site works properly Two boxes come up click save twice

Step 6: Follow To Do Lists

Make sure you do all the tasks on the to-do lists

One of the tasks includes making sure the most up to date version of blog down has is used

options(blogdown.hugo.version = “0.93.3”)

Part 4: Netlify

Step 1: Sign up with Netlify using your GitHub account

Step 2: Click on Sites

Step 3: Click on Add New Sites

Step 4: Click on Import an Existing Project

Step 5: Click on GitHub and it should link up

Step 6: Click on the repository that connects to your repository

Step 7: Scroll down on the next page to Deploy Site

Step 8: Wait for Deploy bots

Step 9: Click Custom Domain

a. Click Site Settings

b. Click Change Site name (use the same name as GitHub)

c. Copy and paste this link into your browser

Your Website is done!!

You should now see that the blog has a lot of unneeded information

Part 5: Customization of Site

Step 1: Change personal website with appropriate link

Click config folder → click on _default folder → click on config.yaml file

Step 1.1: Look for the line ‘baseurl:’ replace the website with your website

Step 1.2: Change ’title:’ to the site name you would like

Step 2: Provide Personal Information

Step 2.1: Click on the Files Panel

Step 2.2: Click on the content folder → click on the authors folder → click on the admin folder → click on the _index file

Step 2.3: Provide Relevant Information

Step 3: Remove unnecessary Aspects

Step 1.1: Click on the Files Panel

Step 1.2: Content → home

Step 1.3: Open the file you would like to remove from your website

Step 1.4: Add ‘active: false’ to the YAML This removes the tab of post from your home

We will end here and more details next week!

  • Removing tabs
  • Creating Posts
  • Add images

Resources for blogdown

Resources for GitHub

Immanuel Williams PhD
Immanuel Williams PhD
Lecturer of Statistics

My passion is to help people learn…
